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With Seyfert you can now control the latest Discord monetization features.

This section will show the basic creation of premium buttons, events and commands.


Entitlements in Discord represent that a user or guild has access to a premium offering in your application, with this you can know if a user is subscribed to your application and give him the benefits you want.

Receiving Events

Currently there are 3 events for entitlements:

entitlementCreate(entitlement: Entitlement)

Emitted whenever an entitlement is created.

entitlementDelete(entitlement: Entitlement)

Emitted whenever an entitlement is deleted. Entitlements are not deleted when they expire. This is only triggered when Discord issues a refund or deletes the entitlement manually.

entitlementUpdate(entitlement: Entitlement)

Emitted whenever an entitlement is updated - i.e. when a user’s subscription renews.

export default createEvent({
data: { name: 'entitlementCreate' },
async run(entitlement, client) {
const subscribedUser = await client.users.fetch(entitlement.userId);
client.messages.write('LOG_CHANNEL_ID', {
content: `${subscribedUser.globalName} (${}) has been subscribed to ${entitlement.skuId}`,

Premium Button

Now you can create a Button that redirects to any item in your store, such as a subscription, consumable, etc.

This type of button does not need a CustomID or Label, but it does need a SkuID, which you can get from your store menu at{APP_ID}/skus

import { Button } from 'seyfert';
import { ButtonStyle } from 'seyfert/lib/types';
new Button()

Commands / Interactions

In each Interaction you can also get all the active entitlements, with them you can detect if the user has any subscriptions, consumables, etc.


import { Declare, Command, type CommandContext, ActionRow, Button } from 'seyfert';
import { ButtonStyle } from 'seyfert/lib/types';
name: 'premium',
description: 'Premium command',
export class PremiumCommand extends Command {
run(ctx: CommandContext) {
const isPremium = ctx.interaction.entitlements.length;
const row = new ActionRow()
new Button()
if (!isPremium) return ctx.editOrReply({
content: 'Click to subscribe and get access to the command!',
components: [row]
// Premium code