Modals can also be created in Seyfert. They are created with a builder like other components do and then TextInput
components, inside an ActionRow
, are attached to it.
Here is an example of how to create a modal with two text inputs:
import { class Modal<T extends ModalBuilderComponents = TextInput>
Represents a modal for user interactions.
Modal, class TextInput
Represents a text input component builder.
TextInput, class ActionRow<T extends BuilderComponents>
Represents an Action Row component in a message.
ActionRow } from 'seyfert';
import { enum TextInputStyle
TextInputStyle } from 'seyfert/lib/types';
const const nameInput: TextInput
nameInput = new new TextInput(data?: Partial<APITextInputComponent>): TextInput
Creates a new TextInput instance.
TextInput() .TextInput.setCustomId(id: string): TextInput
Sets the custom ID of the text input.
setCustomId('name') .TextInput.setStyle(style: TextInputStyle): TextInput
Sets the style of the text input.
setStyle(enum TextInputStyle
TextInputStyle.function (enum member) TextInputStyle.Short = 1
Short) .TextInput.setLabel(label: string): TextInput
Sets the label of the text input.
const const row1: ActionRow<TextInput>
row1 = new new ActionRow<TextInput>({ components, }?: Partial<APIActionRowComponent<APIActionRowComponentTypes>>): ActionRow<...>
Creates a new instance of the ActionRow class.
ActionRow<class TextInput
Represents a text input component builder.
TextInput>().ActionRow<TextInput>.setComponents(component: TextInput[]): ActionRow<TextInput>
Sets the components of the Action Row.
setComponents([const nameInput: TextInput
const const ageInput: TextInput
ageInput = new new TextInput(data?: Partial<APITextInputComponent>): TextInput
Creates a new TextInput instance.
TextInput() .TextInput.setCustomId(id: string): TextInput
Sets the custom ID of the text input.
setCustomId('age') .TextInput.setStyle(style: TextInputStyle): TextInput
Sets the style of the text input.
setStyle(enum TextInputStyle
TextInputStyle.function (enum member) TextInputStyle.Short = 1
Short) .TextInput.setLabel(label: string): TextInput
Sets the label of the text input.
const const row2: ActionRow<TextInput>
row2 = new new ActionRow<TextInput>({ components, }?: Partial<APIActionRowComponent<APIActionRowComponentTypes>>): ActionRow<...>
Creates a new instance of the ActionRow class.
ActionRow<class TextInput
Represents a text input component builder.
TextInput>().ActionRow<TextInput>.setComponents(component: TextInput[]): ActionRow<TextInput>
Sets the components of the Action Row.
setComponents([const ageInput: TextInput
const const modal: Modal<TextInput>
modal = new new Modal<TextInput>(data?: Partial<APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData>): Modal<TextInput>
Creates a new Modal instance.
Modal() .Modal<TextInput>.setCustomId(id: string): Modal<TextInput>
Sets the custom ID of the modal.
setCustomId('mymodal') .Modal<TextInput>.setTitle(title: string): Modal<TextInput>
Sets the title of the modal.
setTitle('My Modal') .Modal<TextInput>.setComponents(component: ActionRow<TextInput>[]): Modal<TextInput>
Set the components to the modal.
setComponents([const row1: ActionRow<TextInput>
row1, const row2: ActionRow<TextInput>
Handling Modals
To handle modals, as they aren’t components, Seyfert provides ModalCommmand
class which has the same logic as the ComponentCommand
import { class ModalCommand
ModalCommand, type class ModalContext<M extends keyof RegisteredMiddlewares = never>interface ModalContext<M extends keyof RegisteredMiddlewares = never>
Represents a context for interacting with components in a Discord bot.
ModalContext } from 'seyfert';
export default class class MyModal
MyModal extends class ModalCommand
ModalCommand { MyModal.filter(context: ModalContext): boolean
filter(context: ModalContext<never>
context: class ModalContext<M extends keyof RegisteredMiddlewares = never>interface ModalContext<M extends keyof RegisteredMiddlewares = never>
Represents a context for interacting with components in a Discord bot.
ModalContext) { return context: ModalContext<never>
context.ModalContext<never>.customId: string
customId === 'mymodal'; }
async ModalContext): Promise<void>
run(context: ModalContext<never>
context: class ModalContext<M extends keyof RegisteredMiddlewares = never>interface ModalContext<M extends keyof RegisteredMiddlewares = never>
Represents a context for interacting with components in a Discord bot.
ModalContext) { const const interaction: ModalSubmitInteraction<boolean>
interaction = context: ModalContext<never>
context.ModalContext<never>.interaction: ModalSubmitInteraction<boolean>
//we are getting the textinput values by passing their custom ids in the getInputValue method.
const const name: string
name = const interaction: ModalSubmitInteraction<boolean>
interaction.ModalSubmitInteraction<boolean>.getInputValue(customId: string, required: true): string (+1 overload)
getInputValue('name', true);
const const age: string
age = const interaction: ModalSubmitInteraction<boolean>
interaction.ModalSubmitInteraction<boolean>.getInputValue(customId: string, required: true): string (+1 overload)
getInputValue('age', true);
return context: ModalContext<never>
context.ModalContext<never>.write<false>(body: InteractionCreateBodyRequest, fetchReply?: false | undefined): Promise<void>
Writes a response to the interaction.
write({ content?: string | undefined
The message contents (up to 2000 characters)
content: `You are ${const name: string
name} and you have ${const age: string
age} years` }); }}