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Collectors are a way to handle interactions from components for a specific time, for example, 10 seconds. So if for some reason the the node.js process closes, and then you restart it, the collector won’t collect new interactions.

Building collectors

Collectors are built using createComponentCollector method in a message, which is inherited by BaseMessage. This method returns an object representing a collector.

Here is an example of how to build a simple collector after sending a message with one button attached to it in a hello world command.

import {
type CommandContext
} from 'seyfert';
import { ButtonStyle } from 'seyfert/lib/types';
name: 'hello',
description: 'I will send you a hello world message'
export default class HelloWorldCommand extends Command {
async run(ctx: CommandContext) {
const button = new Button()
const row = new ActionRow<Button>().setComponents([button]);
// get the message by setting fetchReply to true
const message = await ctx.write(
content: 'Do you want a hello world? Click the button below.',
components: [row]
const collector = message.createComponentCollector();

Handling interactions within a collector

Having created a collector from a message we are going to handle the interaction of the button with the run function of the collector.

Here is an example:

import {
type CommandContext
} from 'seyfert';
import { ButtonStyle } from 'seyfert/lib/types';
name: 'hello',
description: 'I will send you a hello world message'
export default class HelloWorldCommand extends Command {
async run(ctx: CommandContext) {
const button = new Button()
const row = new ActionRow<Button>().setComponents([button]);
const message = await ctx.write(
content: 'Do you want a hello world. Click the button below.',
components: [row]
const collector = message.createComponentCollector();
// we are putting the custom id we have set into the button in the first param of the function.'hello', async (i) => {
if (i.isButton()) return i.write({ content: 'Hello World 👋' });

Filtering interactions

You might have thought about filtering the interaction received in the run function for limiting, for example the user who’s interacting with the button.

You would have added a condition inside the run function like this:

if ( ===
return i.write({ content: 'Do not touch the button' });

This will limit the use of the button to only the one which run the command.

But seyfert implements just a simply filter option when creating the collector which expects a callback that returns a boolean.

We are going to implement the filter for filtering the user who ran the interaction and filter the interaction only for button interactions.

import {
type CommandContext
} from 'seyfert';
import { ButtonStyle } from 'seyfert/lib/types';
name: 'hello',
description: 'I will send you a hello world message'
export default class HelloWorldCommand extends Command {
async run(ctx: CommandContext) {
const button = new Button()
const row = new ActionRow<Button>().setComponents([button]);
const message = await ctx.write(
content: 'You want a hello world. Click the button below.',
components: [row]
const collector = message.createComponentCollector({
filter: (i) => === && i.isButton()
});'hello', async (i) => {
return i.write({ content: 'Hello World 👋' });

Handling collector onStop

A collector could stop this mean the collector won’t be collecting more interactions of the message. To handle the stop we have to pass a callback into the onStop option when creating the collector.

The callback will take two parameters:

  • reason. A string which indicates the reason of why the collector has stopped. The most common is timeout or idle if we added the timeout or idle property to our collector. You can set the reason when you manually stop the collector within the collector.stop() function.

  • refresh. A function which you can execute to refresh the collector, making it collecting interactions as it did before.

Here is an example of how we add an idle to the collector of 1000ms and then everytime it enters into onStop callback we refresh it.

import {
type CommandContext
} from 'seyfert';
import { ButtonStyle } from 'seyfert/lib/types';
name: 'hello',
description: 'I will send you a hello world message'
export default class HelloWorldCommand extends Command {
async run(ctx: CommandContext) {
const button = new Button()
const row = new ActionRow<Button>().setComponents([button]);
const message = await ctx.write(
content: 'Do you want a hello world? Click the button below.',
components: [row]
const collector = message.createComponentCollector({
filter: (i) => === && i.isButton(),
onStop(reason, refresh) {
//this will refresh the collector everytime it stops by timeout
if (reason === 'idle') return refresh();
idle: 1e3 //1000ms
});'hello', async (i) => {
return i.write({ content: 'Hello World 👋' });

Handling Modals with collectors

As modals aren’t message components it is not possible to create a message components collector but Seyfert introduces the possiblity to create it by using the run method within the modal builder which expects a callback that shall handle the interactions.

Here is an example using the run within the modal builder:

import {
type ModalSubmitInteraction,
type CommandContext
} from 'seyfert';
name: 'hello',
description: 'I will send you a hello world message'
export default class HelloWorldCommand extends Command {
async run(ctx: CommandContext) {
const modal = new Modal()
.run(this.handleModal); // .run() expects a callback which will handle the interaction
await ctx.interaction.modal(modal);
async handleModal(i: ModalSubmitInteraction) {
return i.write({ content: 'Hello World 👋' });