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Although you can implement your own cooldown logic, you might wanna try @slipher/cooldown first.

npm add @slipher/cooldown

First you need to add cooldown property to client as shown below

import { Client } from "seyfert";
import { CooldownManager } from "@slipher/cooldown";
const client = new Client();
client.start().then(() => {
client.cooldown = new CooldownManager(client);
declare module "seyfert" {
interface UsingClient extends ParseClient<Client<true>> {
cooldown: CooldownManager;
// this is for prevent a @ts-expect-error above
interface Client {
cooldown: CooldownManager;

And then we can use @Cooldown() decorator in our commands, it takes 3 arguments:

typeCooldownTypetarget type, can be user, guild or channel
intervalnumbertime to refresh uses
usesnumberhow many uses user can use this command in the given interval
import { Declare, Command } from "seyfert";
import { CooldownType, Cooldown } from "@slipher/cooldown";
name: 'cool',
description: 'Reference command'
type: CooldownType.User,
interval: 1000 * 60,
uses: 2,
export default class extends Command {
async run(ctx: CommandContext) {
await ctx.write({
content: `A cool command`
onMiddlewaresError(context: CommandContext, error: string) {
context.editOrReply({ content: error })

And then we need to create a middleware for handle when the user is in cooldown:

import { createMiddleware, Formatter } from 'seyfert';
import { TimestampStyle } from 'seyfert/lib/common';
export default createMiddleware<void>(async ({ context, next, stop }) => {
const inCooldown = context.client.cooldown.context(context);
typeof inCooldown === 'number'
? stop(
`You're in cooldown, try again ${Formatter.timestamp(new Date( + inCooldown), TimestampStyle.RelativeTime)}`,
: next();