Extending the config file
You might have a configuration as such:
For instance, when adding some properties.
declare module 'seyfert' { interface ExtendedRC { prefix: string; // even more properties }}
You will notice a type error in your seyfert.config.ts
If you did not see this error, maybe you missed a step.
Or you already had the prefix property on it
Property 'prefix' is missing in type '{ locations: ...
GREAT! So… how do I get the property?
As simple as:
const rc = await client.getRC();
What about locations?
declare module 'seyfert' { interface ExtendedRCLocations { music: string; }}
const rc = await client.getRC();
The finished product would be something like this:
import { config } from "seyfert";
export default config.bot({ locations: { base: "dist", commands: "commands", music: "lavalink", // dist/lavalink }, token: process.env.TOKEN!, prefix: "s!",});