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Command Decorators

Take a loot at the differente decorators that seyfert provides to create commands.


This decorator is used to declare a command. It is used to define the command name, the command description, and other things. Example was given in Creating your first command

The required parameters are:

  • name: The name of the slash command.
  • description: The description of the slash command.

for more information about the other parameters you can check the interface here


This decorator simplifies the setup of slash commands by using an option object. Seyfert provides a range of user-friendly decorators designed to make defining command options that you can see here


Seyfert offers an advanced middleware system that is fully typed and incredibly powerful. This system takes in a list of middlewares, which are functions that run before a command is executed.

You can learn how to create middlewares and use them here.


This decorator makes it easy to add different localizations to our commands, both names and descriptions. In a fast, simple and typed way.

You can learn how to use them here.

Commands group decorators

@Groups() and @Group()

Seyfert handles all aspects of the commands for you, including the command group system that discord exposes.

@Groups() is the decorator to tell a parent command which groups it will have and handle.

@Group() is the decorator to tell a subcommand (child command) which group it belongs to.

@GroupsT() is the decorator to to add localizations to our group names and descriptions.

Other decorators


This decorator is used to automatically load all the sub-command files in the directory where parent is located.